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Bisdw – a simple ETL tool

Bisdw is a simple ETL tool that we developed for monitoring use case that demanded us to retrieve data from different source and put it into a local database. As a tool it can be used independent of Bischeck. Most of the ETL logic is provided by the Scriptella project. What we have added are functionality for scheduling, FTP integration, init scripts, etc.

You can download Bisdw from Documentation is available here.

Limitation in host, service and serviceitem naming

Currently we have a naming limitation in the naming of a host, service and serviceitem. The issue is seen when using dynamic thresholds that do calculations on cached entries. When describing a cache entry in the 24threshols.xml file in a hour tag you should use the format of host-service-serviceitem, erphost-erpOrders-weborders. The problem with the current format is that the names given must be based on any letter, upper or lower case, and the number 1-9. Yes the missing of 0 is a major bug. Execept for the 0 bug the format has the following limitations:

  • Dash (-) is used as the separator between the host, service and serviceitem name, which means that using dash in the name is a problem.
  • Other characters like dot (.), plus (+), underscore (_)  or any other character then the described above is not supported. This is a major weakness since many will use, for example dot and underscore in their existing Nagios host and service name.
We will solve these limitation as soon as possible with a quick release of 0.4.2 at the latest next week. This issues is documented in bug report TR-227.

bischeck integration with Nagios remote data processor, NRDP

Until now NSCA has be the only way to integrate passive service checks with Nagios. From a functional perspective it has been working great using the jsendnsca package, With the next version we will also support NRDP, Nagios Remote Data Processor. The are some benefits that is nice with NRDP like pure web interface and batch sending of passive checks.

If anyone would like this immediately please send us an email and we could make a 0.4.1 version.