Tag Archives: bug

Limitation in host, service and serviceitem naming

Currently we have a naming limitation in the naming of a host, service and serviceitem. The issue is seen when using dynamic thresholds that do calculations on cached entries. When describing a cache entry in the 24threshols.xml file in a hour tag you should use the format of host-service-serviceitem, erphost-erpOrders-weborders. The problem with the current format is that the names given must be based on any letter, upper or lower case, and the number 1-9. Yes the missing of 0 is a major bug. Execept for the 0 bug the format has the following limitations:

  • Dash (-) is used as the separator between the host, service and serviceitem name, which means that using dash in the name is a problem.
  • Other characters like dot (.), plus (+), underscore (_)  or any other character then the described above is not supported. This is a major weakness since many will use, for example dot and underscore in their existing Nagios host and service name.
We will solve these limitation as soon as possible with a quick release of 0.4.2 at the latest next week. This issues is documented in bug report TR-227.